Due to a shortage of bus drivers, bus 33 will be late this afternoon 5/26/22.

Sports physicals for current 7th-11th grade students will be held on May 3rd.

Due to a shortage of bus drivers, Bus 33 will be late this afternoon 4/25/22.

Due to the weather forecast, 1st grade’s Zoo field trip has been RESCHEDULED from Monday, April 25th to Monday, May 2nd! We will enter the Zoo around 10:30 on this day after lunch on the picnic tables! We are sorry for this inconvenience and hope to see you at the Zoo on Monday, May 2nd!

Don’t forget and please Tell your friends—today is 22-23 Kindergarten registration at Morrilton Primary!! 410 S. Bridge St! We are at the SafeRoom off of Winthrop Dr until 7:30pm!

Wednesday, April 20 is kindergarten cap and gown picture day! Please be aware of hair styles and avoid those that will make the cap not fit correctly. Big hair bows, pony tails, etc mess up the caps! We will start first thing in the morning, so don’t be late!! 🍎, Mrs. Wilson

Morrilton Primary Kindergarten parents—-Reminder—Order Envelopes for Kindergarten Graduation Cap/Gown pictures were sent home LAST Monday... money and envelopes are due when pictures are taken, Wednesday, April 20th.

Please do not park in the fire lanes (red curb area) for student drop off or pickup. This is a safety hazard because kindergarten students have not all left the campus, and it is illegal to park in a fire lane.
🍎, Mrs. Wilson

Please do not park in the fire lanes (red curb area) for student drop off or pickup. This is a safety hazard because kindergarten students have not all left the campus, and it is illegal to park in a fire lane.
🍎, Mrs. Wilson

Due to a shortage of bus drivers, bus 33 will be late this afternoon 3/29/22.

Attendance Matters!
Over Spring Break, I wrote a summary of each k-1 student’s attendance. Teachers are sending them home today. Please look at this and help us to finish this year strong with good, regular attendance and no tardies or early outs! Our students deserve our best efforts.
🍎, Mrs. Wilson

Welcome back to school! We can’t wait to see our students in class! Be on time! Let’s finish the semester strong!
🍎, Mrs. Wilson

It’s Spring Picture Day at MOrrilton Primary!

Thursday Feb. 17 at 11:59 pm is the deadline to order your Morrilton Primary School yearbook ONLINE. Use the code from this picture. Dedications can’t be accepted after today as well. You may still send $15 cash to school through Feb. 25. Contact the office if you have questions. 501.354.9423.

At Morrilton Primary, we have classroom pictures tomorrow morning Tuesday, February 15, 2022!starting at 8:15!!! Be on time because we won’t be able to have make ups! 🍎, Mrs. Wilson

Morrilton Primary School will accept deliveries for Valentine’s Day. Gifts should be labeled with student’s and teacher’s names. If the student rides a bus, the items MUST fit in the backpack and CANNOT be in a glass container. If items don’t fit in the backpack, we will keep the items at school until parents can pick them up. ❤️ & 🍎, Mrs. Wilson

Don’t forget to bring your Chromebook and your AMI packets back to school tomorrow! See you in the morning! 🍎, Mrs. Wilson

Due to a shortage of bus drivers, bus 67 will be late this afternoon 1/28/22.

Arch Ford is offering a free Virtual Family Mental Health Night—Find Answers to Help your Child.
Register with this QR code for the event. Participant will hear from The Cook Center for Human Connection which has lots of resources to help families in these difficult times. Mrs. Oliver is excited that we can offer this resource to our families!

Did you know?
Parents may request weekly meals for students by calling your child’s school by Friday (A.M.), for Monday morning pick up at Morrilton High School at 10:30 A.M.
If your child has been put in quarantine, this might be a helpful option for your family.
Normally, it’s by Friday, but since we are quarantining kids as issues arise, we can modify this date and get food ready for pick up.
Call the MPS office if you wish to request meals.
🍎, Mrs. Wilson