May 19th Calendar of Events:
Important info for kindergarten field trip—
Good morning everyone! It’s kindergarten field trip day!! Don’t be tardy today! Put sunscreen on your child if you wish!
It’s a great day! 🍎, Mrs. Wilson
May 18th Calendar of Events:
May 17th Calendar of Events:
Bus 39 will be 45 minutes late this morning 5/16/22.
May 16th Calendar of Events:
May 13th Calendar of Events:
May 12th Calendar of Events:
May 11th Calendar of Events:
Due to a shortage of bus drivers, bus 75 will be late this afternoon 5/10/22.
May 10th Calendar of Events:
Due to a shortage of bus drivers, bus 33 will be late this afternoon 5/9/22.
We have found a driver for bus 33. Please be at your bus stop by 7:45 am this morning 5/9/22.
Due to a shortage of bus drivers, bus 33 will be late this morning 5/9/22. It should begin the route around 7:55 am.
May 9th Calendar of Events:
The SCCSD honors all mothers today.
Due to a shortage of bus drivers, bus 33 will be late this afternoon 5/6/22.
May 6th Calendar of Events:
PLEASE support our Raymond Chambers Memorial Cereal Drive for the Conway County Care Center! We want to have a cereal domino fall with our collection! The classes in each grade level/club that collect the most will win Donut parties!