September 14th Calendar of Events:

September 13th Calendar of Events:

September 12th Calendar of Events:

September 11th Calendar of Events:

May we remember the events and the sacrifices of September 11, 2001.

The menu for the SCCSD Schools for the week of September 11th.

The weather looks like it will be clearing out after lunch! We are going to try to eat then head to the fairgrounds. K will leave about 11:45. First grade will leave about 12:20.
We needed the rain, but it sure messed up our plan! 🍎, Mrs. Wilson

We are monitoring the weather to determine if we will be able to go to the fair today. Student safety is our number one concern. Use the app and enable push notifications for Morrilton Primary School to get the latest updates. 🍎 Mrs. Wilson

September 8th Calendar of Events:

Today's fair groups will start in the education building!!
Zuniga, Deramus, Beck, and Koonce classes are going today--Thursday!

September 7th Calendar of Events:

September 6th Calendar of Events:

Please join us for our first MPS PTC—Parent Teacher Club meeting Tuesday, September 5 at 6 o’clock Morrilton Primary Cafeteria. Please enter through the kindergarten doors.

September 5th Calendar of Events:

Reminder: No School on Monday, September 4th, 2023 for Labor Day.

Menu for the week of September 4th

Join us for our first Parent Teacher Club meeting Tuesday,
September 5 at 6:00 pm. MPS cafeteria. Enter through the kindergarten Doors.

September 1st Calendar of Events:

Reminder: No School on Monday, September 4th, 2023 for Labor Day.

August 31st Calendar of Events: