Menu for the Week of October 2nd.

First Grade Grandparents Breakfasts Will begin at 8:30 on Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday. Students should go to class as usual and Grandparents can join us about 8:20. Please bring ID to be scanned into our system!
(K will hold a Grandparents event later. Stay tuned!)

September 29th Calendar of Events:

This morning, Morrilton Primary School conducted a drill using our emergency action plan. The LOCKDOWN action was practiced from our Standard Response Protocol. An emergency within the school building would dictate this action. This was only a drill. Student safety is our number one priority. Our students did a great job! 🍎

September 28th Calendar of Events:

September 27th Calendar of Events:

September 26th Calendar of Events:

The Student-Led "See You at the Pole" Prayer will be Wednesday, September 27th at 7:45 a.m. at both the Morrilton Junior High School and Morrilton High School Flag Poles.
All students are invited to participate. Free breakfast burritos will be available.

September 25th Calendar of Events:

Menu for the Week of Sept. 25th

September 22nd Calendar of Events:

September 21st Calendar of Events:

Attention Morrilton Primary School, Davis Ryan Photography folks are coming to take pictures on Thursday September 21st!!
We are so excited to see everyone, this is absolutely one of our favorite schools ever!!!
The school passed out forms, but presale is going on right now at
Keyword MPSSD23. A form is attached if you need it! You can send money in an envelope if you need to.
Make sure to check out all of our amazing backgrounds on the flyer and online!
Make sure to take out your best outfit, grab your smile, and be on time because picture day is TOMORROW MORNING😊📸😊

September 20th Calendar of Events:

September 19th Calendar of Events:

September 18th Calendar of Events:

Menu for the Week of Sept. 18th

Menu for the Week of Sept. 18th

Our school picture day is Thursday, September 21. We start first thing in the morning, so be on time!! Here is a package list with prices. You can order online or send money to school! Have a great weekend!

We are planning for the first grade grandparents event and realized that some of you may have more than two grandparents who need to attend! It's ok to bring more, but we need an accurate count to be prepared!
Please let your child's teacher know if your number changes!
🍎, Mrs. Wilson