September 14th Calendar of Events:
September 13th Calendar of Events:
As we've added a sixth preschool classroom, It has been difficult for Mrs. Benson to come to the office and escort students who are tardy.
Starting Wednesday Sept. 14, Preschool parents will walk their students who are late to the classroom and sign in on the classroom sheet.
You must bring your driver's license in and be scanned into our system the first time you do this to enter the building!
Thank you for your cooperation
🍎, Mrs. Wilson
At this time, the state is having internet issues. Currently, the internet is down in the SCCSD this afternoon 9-12-22.
September 12th Calendar of Events:
In remembrance of that tragic day 21 years ago.
September 9th Calendar of Events:
Bus 33 will NOT be a late bus this afternoon 9/8/22. We had a late addition come in to help drive busses this afternoon.
September 8th Calendar of Events:
September 7th Calendar of Events:
September 6th Calendar of Events:
September 2nd Calendar of Events
September 1st Calendar of Events
August 31st Calendar of Events
Early dismissal for k-12 on Wednesday, August 31 at 2:00 pm for Teacher Continuing Education!
On Wednesday, August 31, k-12 will dismiss early at 2:00 pm for teacher continuing education.
The SCCSD will dismiss early tomorrow, August 31st at 2:00 p.m. for Teachers' Continuing Education classes.
Get the SCCSD app and sign up for alerts.
August 30th Calendar of Events
Important announcement about early dismissal on Wednesday August 31 at 2:00.