The South Conway County School District will be closed November 20-24 for Thanksgiving Break.
Students and Staff will return to school on Monday, November 27th.

We hope you are having a wonderful, safe Thanksgiving Break! We look forward to seeing you when we return on Monday, November 27!

Morrilton Primary is hosting a unique fundraiser! Davis Ryan Photography is taking Family Christmas Portraits! The event will be Friday, December 1, from 4-8 pm in the Morrilton Primary Safe Room! For a $10 sitting fee you will get a 4x6 print. You can order online or the on-site the night of the event! There are four festive backdrops to choose from!
Your family gets Affordable, Quality Pictured from the company we trust with our students school pictures!
Reserve your time slot at the link below

November 17th Calendar of Events:

November 16th Calendar of Events:

November 15th Calendar of Events:

November 14th Calendar of Events:

Congratulations to Mrs. Tiffanie Manes on being awarded the Carrie Taylor Distinguished Director of the Year award for High School! This is her second time to achieve this award.
The South Conway County School District is blessed to have Ms. Manes serving our scholars as the Director of Choral Performance!

November 13th Calendar of Events:

November 10th Calendar of Events:

We have new bus notes to use with students who have transportation changes. These notes will be issued from the Office! Please contact our office with ALL transportation changes so we can document it and get the bus notes to our students!! 501.354.9423 and press 1. We will need the drop off address and a contact phone number for the new form! Thank you for helping us keep kids safe!! 🍎

November 9th Calendar of Events:

November 8th Calendar of Events:

Phone service has been restored for the South Conway County School District.

Morrilton High School is conducting a lockdown drill this morning on 11/7/23. This only drill.
No other schools are conducting lockdown drills today.

Currently the entire phone system for the South Conway County School District is not working due to a server crash. The phone vendor is working to rectify the situation as soon as possible.

November 7th Calendar of Events:

Morrilton Primary School, Davis Ryan Photography will be there tomorrow, November 7th taking picture retakes.
If your student missed the first picture day, or you need a retake, simply bring back your old pictures, and we will gladly take a new one.
You can still order online at www.davisryanphotography.com
Keyword- MPSSD23
We look forward to seeing everyone, so make sure you bring your smiles.

November 6th Calendar of Events:

Week of Nov. 6 Menu.